On A Slower Pace

Embracing the slow living is giving so much meaning to my daily life. Enjoying the little details of my day has dramatically changed my perspective towards life and taught me how the simplest little aspects out there can make me feel happy and amazed. This is 2020, and everything seemed to slow down after years… Continue reading On A Slower Pace

Lifestyle Rules To Live By

Well, throughout the past years I was working consistently on improving my lifestyle without pushing it too far and make things harder for myself.


HAPPY AUGUST!! Hello everyone welcome or welcome back to my blog!!! I MISS YOU GUYS!!!! Well first of all, I changed my blog's name as I use to run it under the name: itsNaly. However, I decided to blog using my real name: Lina, because I like my real name more so why not use… Continue reading CHATTY LIFE UPDATE: I’M BACK